Optimizing Your Next.js App with Vercel.json and Turbo.json for Peak Performance

Dec 24, 2024

Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json

Optimizing Your Next.js App with Vercel.json and Turbo.json for Peak Performance

Optimizing Your Next.js App with Vercel.json and Turbo.json for Peak Performance

Creating a high-performance Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json involves leveraging the strengths of these tools to streamline development and deployment. This comprehensive guide will explore how to configure these files effectively to enhance your application’s speed, efficiency, and overall user experience. We'll delve into the intricacies of both single and multi-package workspaces, focusing on how Turborepo can optimize your build process, and how Vercel's platform can seamlessly host your application.

Understanding the Core Concepts

Before diving into configuration, it's important to grasp the purpose of each tool:

  • Next.js: A React framework for building user interfaces with features like server-side rendering, static site generation, and routing.
  • Vercel.json: A configuration file for Vercel, a platform for frontend developers, that allows you to customize deployment settings.
  • Turbo.json: A configuration file for Turborepo, a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases, particularly useful for monorepos.

The Power of Turborepo

Turborepo is designed to make your development workflow faster, especially when dealing with complex projects. It leverages caching and task parallelization to significantly reduce build times. Whether you are working on a single-package workspace or a more complex multi-package workspace, Turborepo's features can make a huge difference.

Single-Package Workspaces

Even in a single-package project (like those generated by npx create-next-app), Turborepo can provide significant benefits. Key features like local and remote caching and task parallelization are still applicable, speeding up your builds. While some features like package-specific tasks might not be relevant, the core benefits remain.

Multi-Package Workspaces (Monorepos)

In monorepos, where multiple packages or applications are contained within a single repository, Turborepo's efficiency becomes even more apparent. It allows for a single lint, build, test, and release process for all packages, simplifying management and improving workflow.

Setting up Turbo.json for Your Next.js App

The turbo.json file is central to configuring Turborepo. It defines how tasks are executed, cached, and related to one another. Here's how to set it up for your Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json:

Basic Configuration

A basic turbo.json file might look like this:

  "$schema": "https://turbo.build/schema.json",
  "globalDependencies": ["**/.env.*local"],
  "globalEnv": ["PORT"],
  "tasks": {
    "build": {
      "dependsOn": ["^build"],
       "outputs": [".next/**", "!.next/cache/**"]
    "test": {
      "outputs": ["coverage/**"],
      "dependsOn": []
    "lint": {
      "dependsOn": ["^build"]
    "typecheck": {
       "dependsOn": ["^build"]
    "dev": {
      "dependsOn": ["^build"],
      "cache": false,
      "persistent": true
    "clean": {
      "cache": false

Key aspects to note:

  • $schema: Specifies the JSON schema for validation.
  • globalDependencies: Lists files that, when changed, invalidate the cache.
  • globalEnv: Environment variables that affect the cache.
  • tasks: Defines the different tasks and their dependencies.

Defining Tasks

The tasks section is where you specify how different actions are handled:

  • build: Defines how your project is built, including dependencies and output directories.
  • test: Specifies how tests are run.
  • lint: Defines linting tasks.
  • typecheck: Specifies how type checking is performed.
  • dev: Configuration for the development server.
  • clean: Cleans up the project, often used to clear cache.

Task Dependencies

The dependsOn array in each task specifies other tasks that must be completed before the current one can start. This ensures that tasks are executed in the correct order. The ^ symbol indicates that the dependency should be executed in the packages where it is defined.

Optimizing Tasks

You can further optimize tasks by specifying inputs, outputs, and environment variables. For example, you can configure inputs to only include TypeScript files for type checking:

  "tasks": {
    "check-types": {
      "inputs": ["**/*.{ts,tsx}"]

Configuring Vercel.json for Deployment

The vercel.json file is used to configure Vercel deployments. It allows you to specify routes, headers, and other settings related to your application.

Basic Configuration

A basic vercel.json file for a Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json might look like this:

    "version": 2,
    "builds": [
        "src": "package.json",
        "use": "@vercel/next"
   "routes": [
        "src": "/admin",
        "dest": "/admin/index.html"

Key aspects to note:

  • version: Specifies the version of the configuration file.
  • builds: Defines the build process. In this case, it uses the @vercel/next builder for Next.js applications.
  • routes: Used to configure routing for your application, such as redirecting /admin to a specific page.

Multi-Zone Deployments

For more complex setups, such as a monorepo with a frontend and backend, you can use "multi-zones". This allows you to serve multiple projects under a single domain. For example, you could have your Next.js frontend at example.com and an Express backend at example.com/admin.

Combining Turborepo and Vercel for Optimal Performance

Here's how to combine turbo.json and vercel.json to create a high-performing Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json:

  1. Set up your monorepo: Create a monorepo structure with your Next.js app and any other packages you might need.
  2. Configure turbo.json: Define your tasks, dependencies, and caching strategies in turbo.json.
  3. Configure vercel.json: Set up your deployment settings in vercel.json, including multi-zone configurations if needed.
  4. Install Turborepo: Add turbo as a dependency in your root package.json file.
  5. Run build commands: Use turbo run build to build your project, leveraging Turborepo's caching and parallelization.
  6. Deploy to Vercel: Deploy your project to Vercel, which will use your vercel.json configuration.

Addressing Common Issues

When working with Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json, you might encounter some common issues:


This error typically occurs when the turbo.json file is not correctly formatted, or when using an older version of Turborepo that uses pipeline instead of tasks. Ensure you are using the correct syntax and version of Turborepo.

Module Resolution Issues

Issues can occur when importing pure TS packages, especially when using Bun or Turbo. Ensure your module resolution settings are correctly configured in your tsconfig.json and turbo.json files.

Caching Issues

Incorrectly configured caching can lead to unexpected behavior. Check your inputs, outputs, and dependencies carefully to ensure that the cache is being invalidated correctly.

Deployment Errors

Deployment errors can arise if your vercel.json file is not correctly configured. Double-check your routes and build settings.

Advanced Topics


Turbopack is a new bundler designed to be faster than webpack. While still under development, it has shown promising results for improving development and build times. You can try it by running next dev --turbo.

Edge Functions

For applications that require high performance and low latency, consider using Vercel Edge Functions. These functions run close to the user, providing significant speed improvements. They are particularly beneficial when paired with streaming, which allows you to incrementally send data to the client.

Streaming with Edge Functions

When using Edge Functions, you can implement streaming to provide a better user experience. This allows you to display data as it becomes available, rather than waiting for the entire response.

Real-World Example: A Design System Monorepo

Consider using Turborepo for a design system monorepo. This setup usually includes:

  • Component library (e.g. @acme/ui)
  • Utility library (e.g. @acme/utils)
  • Documentation site (e.g. apps/docs)
  • Shared TypeScript and ESLint configurations

Turborepo allows you to build each package in parallel with caching and task parallelization, speeding up the development process.


Optimizing your Next.js app with Vercel.json and Turbo.json requires a deep understanding of each tool and how they interact. By leveraging Turborepo's caching and parallelization capabilities, and Vercel's seamless deployment process, you can achieve significant improvements in performance and user experience. Remember to start with a solid understanding of your project structure and the functionalities you need, and then gradually add more advanced configurations. With the right setup, you can ensure your Next.js applications are fast, efficient, and reliable.

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